Monday, February 28, 2011

starting too soon

Sex in a relationship (one connected through marriage preferably) is what literally makes a family and is the glue that keeps a family together. But when you have premarital sex it is like super gluing your fingers together. It never quite fits and when you pull apart it physically hurts. And once you become intimate, it makes easier to jump to that step the next time, and harder to go without.

Along with sex, and the spiritual and nature of it, it is important that I teach my children the right things about it. So here are some rules that I am going to follow about teaching my kids about the birds and the bees.

AGES 0-4
- Teach them the correct name for body parts
- Talk to them about abuse, teaching them that in any case someone touches them they come to Mommy or Daddy.

AGES 5-10
- Make sure they know a little more about child abuse and about pornography. So they know that if they are given porn that they do not look at it.
- Begin to tell them about what sex is and the importance of it, so they know why.
- Start telling them about drugs and what to do if they are offered any.
- Teach them how to say no to porn and sex.

AGES 12-18
- Take everything that I have taught them in the first two stages and go into more depth. I want to make sure that they know why you shouldn't have sex before marriage, why porn is damaging and the affects of drugs.
- I also want them to know that they can trust me and their father in any situation.

So all you parents, let me know what you think and what you have seen work with your kids.

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